Monday, March 4, 2013


Pisistricis used taxes to rule and introduced free land and farming. He first recognized that you have more power if you satisfy the people instead of just high class rich people. Eastern Med. was the greatest marketing place. The vase was Athens first artistic legacy. Potters worked in the same area prostitutes worked. Potters were on a low social scale. 527 B.C. Pisistratus died and his son took over. (Hippiass) His brother was killed and he became angry and bitter and started to become an unreasonable ruler. Clisthenes was now one of the most powerful rulers. Olympics started in 776 B.C. The Olympic games were a chance for any guy no matter what social status to compete. Arete, was a chance of doing your best. Isagores was against Cleisthnes and wanted to gain power, so he went to Sparta for help and they ended up Ostracizing Cliesthnes. The Athens people rose up in a revolution. 508 B.C. MARKS THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY REGULAR PEOPLE REVOLVED AGAINST THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT. The Athenian people then turned to Cliesthnes to be in charge and rebuild their government. He had a spot carved out also known as an agora where the men would come an discuss ideas about the future and then vote. A white pebble meant yes and an black pebble meant no.

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