Friday, March 8, 2013


Today we had a sub and just watched some of the movie. My notes about it and more of the movie will be up on Monday night because they are in my notebook which is in my school locker. Overall we just watched the part about the Persians coming back for more war but the Greeks narrowed them in the water and won that battle as well. They were the head of the Navy supposedly after that war. The acropolis was burned though because the Persians first took them by land. Xerxes became ruler of the Persians after his father died (Darius). The Parthenon then came into the Greeks ideas and it took them 15 years to build it, but once it was built all the criticizer about it ended. People loved it and would go their and be amazed. It is still standing today and people go to just look at it and take pictures.

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