Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Invasion of India and military life

Alexander went to India in 327 B.C. And he invaded Punjab in 326. His army met Indians at Porus, and one of his battles against the Indians his horse that he rode into every battle died. Indians fought with elephants. He named the city he conquered after his horse who died in battle. Once the Maceidonias realized the Indians had a good army and fought with elephants they revolted and coenus talked Alexander into going home and not attacking. At battle of Malli Alexander got injured in the shoulder. After Alexander died his empire remained under his rule for 200-300 years later. Hellenistic era was to spread language culture and population with Persians . I will not be in school tomorrow so I will not be able to blog, but I am out because I will leaving for spring break early and won't have my laptop !

King Phillip 2

  • Born at pelia of Macedon
  • youngest son of King Amyntas 2
  • held hostage @ Thesbe- learned military skills & deplomatic info
  • King of Macedon 359 BC- 336 BC
  • assinated @ a wedding


  • originally a princess
  • arranged marriage with King Phillip 2
  • gave birth to Alexander
  • divorced Phillip
  • ordered Eurydice to kill Phillip 3 (king Phillip 2 son) to ensure Alexander got the throne
  • claimed Zeus was Alexander's father
Alexander's Birth

  • born in Pella region of Macedonia on September 20, 350 BC
  • didn't see his father much as a child because King Phillip was with the military and affairs
  • resented his father bc he was gone so much
  • Olympia was a powerful role model

  • 344 BC- dealer from Tessalia offered a large, black horse to King Phillip
  • Horse seemed unable to be tamed- King Phillip didn't want it
  • Alexander wanted the horse and tried to tame it- he realised the horse was afraid of its shadow and tamed it
  • King Phillip said about his ability "O my son, look thee out a kingdom equal and worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little for thee"

  • tutored by Leonidas- taught Math, Horsemanship, & Archery
  • Alex was a rebellious student with relentless attention
  • tutored by Lysimachus- used role play to teach
  • 343 BC- tutored by Aristotle @ Temple of the Nymphs at Meiza (13 years old)- taught Philosophy, Drama, Science, Poetry, and Politics
  • education ended at Meiza in 340 BC
Phillip's Assination

  • Oct 336 BC in Aegea
  • killed by his body guard- Pausanias of Oretis
  • Reason unknown- possibilities include: Persians payed him off or Pausanias had relations with him then Phillip cheated on Pausania
  • Alex had Pausania's body crucified
Family Relationship

  • tension
  • Alexander's step mom (Cleopatra)'s uncle told Alex he wasn't worthy of the throne
Alexander takes Power

  • people doubted him because he was young
  • people who doubted him were killed
Military Career 

  • fought vs Persians bc he thought they might have been involved in his father's assassination
  • 334 BC: fought NW Asia Minor (Battle of the Granicus River)
  • 334 BC- siege of Halicarnassus 
  • conquered Egypt @ Gaza
  • Egyptains called Alexander a Pharaoh
Invasion of Egypt

  • 327 BC- Punjab
  • Indians fought with elephants
  • Bucephalus died- named a city after him
  • won & captured Porus
Revolt of Alex's Army

  • revolted bc India had elephants & soldiers wanted to see their family
  • Alex allowed them to return
  • took Hydaspes & Indus river's home- fought Malion on their way 
  • many died on the journey home bc of the Gerdosian desert

  • June 10/11 323 BC- 32 years old @ palace of Nebuchadnezzar 2 in Babylon
  • reasons a mystery, possibilities: poison (by Aristotle or his son, Iollas), malaria, alcohol poisoning  
  • people refused to believe he died
His Power/Rule

  • empire was the largest of its time
  • remained under Macondian rule for 200-300 years after Alex's death
  • Alex encouraged people (Macedonian men) to marry Persian woman to maintain peace 
  • tried to combine Greek and Persian cultures
  • the passing of the ring symbolized the passing of power

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