Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring break

Today I missed class because I took a 7 hour car ride down to North Carolina for spring break! It was fun and I will be getting all the notes that were taken in class from a friend!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Invasion of India and military life

Alexander went to India in 327 B.C. And he invaded Punjab in 326. His army met Indians at Porus, and one of his battles against the Indians his horse that he rode into every battle died. Indians fought with elephants. He named the city he conquered after his horse who died in battle. Once the Maceidonias realized the Indians had a good army and fought with elephants they revolted and coenus talked Alexander into going home and not attacking. At battle of Malli Alexander got injured in the shoulder. After Alexander died his empire remained under his rule for 200-300 years later. Hellenistic era was to spread language culture and population with Persians . I will not be in school tomorrow so I will not be able to blog, but I am out because I will leaving for spring break early and won't have my laptop !

King Phillip 2

  • Born at pelia of Macedon
  • youngest son of King Amyntas 2
  • held hostage @ Thesbe- learned military skills & deplomatic info
  • King of Macedon 359 BC- 336 BC
  • assinated @ a wedding


  • originally a princess
  • arranged marriage with King Phillip 2
  • gave birth to Alexander
  • divorced Phillip
  • ordered Eurydice to kill Phillip 3 (king Phillip 2 son) to ensure Alexander got the throne
  • claimed Zeus was Alexander's father
Alexander's Birth

  • born in Pella region of Macedonia on September 20, 350 BC
  • didn't see his father much as a child because King Phillip was with the military and affairs
  • resented his father bc he was gone so much
  • Olympia was a powerful role model

  • 344 BC- dealer from Tessalia offered a large, black horse to King Phillip
  • Horse seemed unable to be tamed- King Phillip didn't want it
  • Alexander wanted the horse and tried to tame it- he realised the horse was afraid of its shadow and tamed it
  • King Phillip said about his ability "O my son, look thee out a kingdom equal and worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little for thee"

  • tutored by Leonidas- taught Math, Horsemanship, & Archery
  • Alex was a rebellious student with relentless attention
  • tutored by Lysimachus- used role play to teach
  • 343 BC- tutored by Aristotle @ Temple of the Nymphs at Meiza (13 years old)- taught Philosophy, Drama, Science, Poetry, and Politics
  • education ended at Meiza in 340 BC
Phillip's Assination

  • Oct 336 BC in Aegea
  • killed by his body guard- Pausanias of Oretis
  • Reason unknown- possibilities include: Persians payed him off or Pausanias had relations with him then Phillip cheated on Pausania
  • Alex had Pausania's body crucified
Family Relationship

  • tension
  • Alexander's step mom (Cleopatra)'s uncle told Alex he wasn't worthy of the throne
Alexander takes Power

  • people doubted him because he was young
  • people who doubted him were killed
Military Career 

  • fought vs Persians bc he thought they might have been involved in his father's assassination
  • 334 BC: fought NW Asia Minor (Battle of the Granicus River)
  • 334 BC- siege of Halicarnassus 
  • conquered Egypt @ Gaza
  • Egyptains called Alexander a Pharaoh
Invasion of Egypt

  • 327 BC- Punjab
  • Indians fought with elephants
  • Bucephalus died- named a city after him
  • won & captured Porus
Revolt of Alex's Army

  • revolted bc India had elephants & soldiers wanted to see their family
  • Alex allowed them to return
  • took Hydaspes & Indus river's home- fought Malion on their way 
  • many died on the journey home bc of the Gerdosian desert

  • June 10/11 323 BC- 32 years old @ palace of Nebuchadnezzar 2 in Babylon
  • reasons a mystery, possibilities: poison (by Aristotle or his son, Iollas), malaria, alcohol poisoning  
  • people refused to believe he died
His Power/Rule

  • empire was the largest of its time
  • remained under Macondian rule for 200-300 years after Alex's death
  • Alex encouraged people (Macedonian men) to marry Persian woman to maintain peace 
  • tried to combine Greek and Persian cultures
  • the passing of the ring symbolized the passing of power

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Alexander the Great notes

King Phillip was born in Pella of Macedona, and he was king from 359 B.C. until assassinated in 336 B.C. Olympias was a princess married to King Phillip and her original name was Myrtale. She had Alexander but king Phillip married another women and had a son with her, and Olympias had a lot of power so she had that women and her son killed to insure that Alexander would be the next king. She also claimed her son was the son of Zeus. Alexander the great was also born in the Pella region of Maceidona on Sep 20th 350 B.C. he resented his father because he barely saw him and had a very good relationship with his mother. Bucephalus was a horse that seemed untamable, so Alexander took it in, realized it just afraid of its own shadow so he was able to tame it, he rode that horse into all of his battles until it was killed in battle. That was "his" horse he always had. He was tutored by Leonidas and was taught math, horsemanship  and archery. Also tutored by Lysimachus. at 343 B.C. he was tutored by Aristotle and over three years he taught him philosophic  drama, science, poetry, and politics. King Phillip was assianated in Aegea by Pausanians. Alexander had him crucified for revenge. Alexander had a lot of tension in his family, his father married Cleopatra. When his father died he came into power and a lot of people doubted him. he had all of his doubters killed. He restored all the places his father conquered and then moved on to his own conquest. He battled the Persians for his father. Granicus River in 335 B.C. and then he crossed the Hellespont into Asia in 334 B.C. Alexander won many battles fighting on the river. Siege of Halicarnassus was fought in 334 B.C. He conquered Egypt at Gaza.

Tutored by Aristotle, his father was King Phillip II. His horse was Bucephalus. it means oxes head. battle of helenicarcus. A battle in the Persian war,  lead by Darius III, the battle where Darius ran was Galcolmael.
the battle where Alexander almost died and his horse died in India was .
His death was at 32. They think he was poisoned by wine. Also might have been malaria.
His ruling style was to encourage Macedonia men to marry Persian women. He tried to combine the cultures called Hellenistic era.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Powerpoint Asssigment

Today we got assigned one last project before the third quarter ends. Tona and I are partners and we started and finished it for homework. We would be ready to present tomorrow if we could but we do not have class. We had to work about the death of Alexander the Great. I think we had some pretty important information I need to copy and paste over to my blog to study in case of future test. I liked this last project and I am excited to present in class.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Today we read some chapter in our books, and then we had class discussion about Alexander the Great and the Macedonian king. he was very young when he died about the same age as my older brother and that is weird to think. I'm excited to learn more about the Greeks and their empire under Alexander the Great.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 5

Hellenistic is an era in which theirs was the leading international culture but their way of life was also influenced by the peoples they ruled. Period of greek history between Alexander the Great and the Maceodonian king.
This is Macedonia

The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War because firstly overall Spartians had a better Army then the Athens. They would train their young boys from a very very young age to fight when they are older. They made them believe that they were to do nothing with their lives but defend their city and fight. The Athenians just were not as strong as the Spartans. The geography was a disadvantage and the war was fought over water on most of it, and the Athenians did have a better navy but overall their strategics sand warriors were not as advanced or "ready" as the Spartans warriors are. The spartan army completely defeated the Athenian army and the Athenians used their navy to guard but it was pointless by then. The Athenians just did not have the same kind of fighting skills as the Spartans and they were not as tough, thus they lost the war and had to go under control of an oligarchy because of Sparta. But since Sparta lost so many men as well the Athenian people eventually went back to a democracy because the Spartans couldn't stop them, so they finally got back their independence. They had poor leadership. They were took cocky since they beat the Persians twice so they had an act of Hubris. Natural disaster and they didn't gather as many allies. They should not have gone for Sparta anyway. With help from Persia, Sparta got a huge navy.

In 359 B.C. Maceodina came under the rule of King Philip II, a ruler of broad vision who was determined to gain control of the city-states and to lead the Greeks and Macedonians in the united force against the weakening empire of Persia. He strengthed his army by adopting Greek phalanx tactics, improving weapons of his hoplites, and building up a stronger cavalry force than any city state possessed. He used his newly won power wisely, letting the Greek city states govern themselves so long as they installed oligarches and acted as loyal allies. Phillip now at the head of a powerful alliance , vowed to avenge the insults and injuries inflicted on Greek temples and sancturies by the invading Persians more than a century before. But as he stood in the very blink of fulfillment he was assassinated in 336 B.C. His son Alexandra III only twenty years old, succeeded him, and proceeded to carry out his fathers grand design. (pg 82) (West Civ Book)

Saturday, March 16, 2013


On friday we just went over all the tests and part of the study guide. We will be having a test on Monday and it is open blog and Im excited to see how I do because I think I have been getting pretty good notes down for my blog from the class video!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday notes

Socrates was a dirty man and cared nothing about his appearance and was only interested in the mind of a person. He was the leader of the revolution of learning. He spent his days talking and debating the people he would see on the streets. He said that "unexammened life is not worth living" That you need to think about your life and your reason on the plant and why things happen. Pericles had an act of Hubris and he wanted to conquer the Spartans and he attacked them. The Spartans came back and invaded Athens and invaded their area and burned down their crops and fields. The Athenian Naval ships brought back and plague and since everyone was crammed behind a wall it spread very quickly. The plague killed over a third of the Athenian people. The plague spread to Pericles and after six months of him having it, in 429 B.C. he died. The Athenian people lost the Peloponneseian war to the Spartans and once they lost they looked for someone to blame. The only person they could blame for questioning their way of life and criticizer them was Socrates so he was arrested for unmanning state religion and corruption of the youth.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Notes with Review

483 B.C. the Athenians discovered silver in the town and they wanted to divide it amoung themselves. Cleisthenes wanted too use the money for the ships, but he knew it would be difficult to win. They built 200 tyrenes for the naval force. Darius died in 486 BC and his son Xerxes took over. He wanted to burn Athens to the ground, so he gathered all his troops from all over and the rumors spread to Athens that the Persians were coming over for war. Athenians turned to the Gods and sent someone to the oracle. Cleisthenes plan was to avoid conflict on land and fight in the water. Xerxes force entered Athens and burned the acropolis and temples to the ground. Cliesthenes sent his servant to Xerxes to make it look like he was betraying the Greeks and he told Xerxes that the Greeks were going to flea and the only way to attack them was in Straights of Salamis. The Persians went to that area of the water and got defeated by the Greeks again and the Persians lost 200 ships. Athens could now build an empire and they were head of the navy. In 450 the Delieah League had become Athens empire and that is an organized bunch of city states all chipping in money. Cliesthenes ended up getting ostracized because they took him as a threat and thought he would go to be the dictator and he ended up dying in the Persian land. Pericles was leader of Athens at its climax. Pericles knew the people wanted an empire, so he proposed to make a Parthenon. It was extremely expensive and it took 15 years to build, it was a glorious symbol of the Greeks of Athens. Twice a year Athenian people would gather at a theater to watch comedies and tragedy's  An example is Ascapascha was known as an escort and she "hung out" with Pericles but she was extremely educated and Pericles treated her as an equal. An example of a tragedy play was Oedipis and it was written about a king that was told when he was a young boy he would kill his father and marry his mother, and it ended up all being true, and he couldnt stand the look on peoples faces when they found out he married his mother so he gouged his eyeballs out. Hubris is a greek term used to describe people in power who are arrogant and they feel like they can do whatever they want.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Today we had a sub and just watched some of the movie. My notes about it and more of the movie will be up on Monday night because they are in my notebook which is in my school locker. Overall we just watched the part about the Persians coming back for more war but the Greeks narrowed them in the water and won that battle as well. They were the head of the Navy supposedly after that war. The acropolis was burned though because the Persians first took them by land. Xerxes became ruler of the Persians after his father died (Darius). The Parthenon then came into the Greeks ideas and it took them 15 years to build it, but once it was built all the criticizer about it ended. People loved it and would go their and be amazed. It is still standing today and people go to just look at it and take pictures.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More Movie

The common man would gather every 9 days to discuss future issues. 490 B.C. is when Phidipippies ran his Marathon. In early 5th century B.C. the Perisan empire was the most powerful. Perians lived in Tyranny and Darius was the king. Greeks emphasize freedom and persians emphasize obedience. Persians went to Marathon in Greece and Athens heard and all men went to go fight. hoplites were the trained warriors. Phidippies had to run to Sparta to ask for help in this war and Sparta denied him. He ran 140 miles in two days. The Greeks won the  battle of Marathon and the Persians scattered. they slaughtered 6000 Persians in one day. Themistocles was an Athenian general and showed himself to be one of the greatest leaders. He provided the point that next time they fight the Persians they may not win so easily. He came up with the idea of a strong ship which stacked 170 men on 3 levels. 

Monday, March 4, 2013


Pisistricis used taxes to rule and introduced free land and farming. He first recognized that you have more power if you satisfy the people instead of just high class rich people. Eastern Med. was the greatest marketing place. The vase was Athens first artistic legacy. Potters worked in the same area prostitutes worked. Potters were on a low social scale. 527 B.C. Pisistratus died and his son took over. (Hippiass) His brother was killed and he became angry and bitter and started to become an unreasonable ruler. Clisthenes was now one of the most powerful rulers. Olympics started in 776 B.C. The Olympic games were a chance for any guy no matter what social status to compete. Arete, was a chance of doing your best. Isagores was against Cleisthnes and wanted to gain power, so he went to Sparta for help and they ended up Ostracizing Cliesthnes. The Athens people rose up in a revolution. 508 B.C. MARKS THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY REGULAR PEOPLE REVOLVED AGAINST THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT. The Athenian people then turned to Cliesthnes to be in charge and rebuild their government. He had a spot carved out also known as an agora where the men would come an discuss ideas about the future and then vote. A white pebble meant yes and an black pebble meant no.