Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The facts the teacher thinks are important

Today we got back our test and I got an 88. I think I did well, but now we are moving onto Rome, and these are some notes the teacher thinks are important.

  • The Romans loved the way the Greeks did things, and improved on it. They had the golden age, build Parthenon, had good warfare, etc. 
  • Italy could raise more food and have more people, because their land was not as mountainous.
  • The first people that settled on the Roman peninsula was the Latins, settled at mouth of Ti-bra River. The Romans thought they were put their to rule over the earth, and the gods put them their for their destiny.
  • three groups or people settled their, Latins, Etruscans, Greeks. 
  • Latins first learned their alphabet and learned their knowledge of Greek letters originally. As well as gods. 
  • Patricians are the aristocrats  the ones with the money and power handed to them from parents, has same root word of father. Upper class citizens. 
  • Plebeians were everyone else in the society that was lower down, still had money sometimes but slightly inferior. 
  • The Senate: ran the peoples business. The Patricians were in the Senate. Sensex meant old man, and that was the original root word. If the king died his successor was chosen by the Senate, didn't always have to be his son. 
  • Around 500 BC monarchy was abolished. Tarquin the Proud was the LAST king of Rome. It was all his fault, they overthrew the government because he was harsh, crushed people, and ruled with "an iron fist".  He finally got thrown out of power because Tarquin sons attacked a women and raped her, that the was thing that caused him to be overthrown. 
  • Peoples business  that's what they referred their government too. Latin is res publica (where the word republic comes from)

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