Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Notes on Video

Tiberius got married to a women through an arranged marriage to bring to families together. They ended up killing Tiberius because they thought that he was trying to become king. He wanted to give the power to the people and the Senate thought that he wanted all the power for himself. I think that he was really trying to give the power to the people, and the only reason he wanted to try again to be tribune was to not die. They ended up getting him and beating him to death, and then throwing his body into the Tiber River. Rome did not want to give all the power to one person, and it was such a  big Republic they thought if one person had that much power that it would go to their head. The Senate was filled with a bunch of guys who were spreading lies about Tiberius and would make up rumors saying that he was going to take over. I think at some point Tiberius at one point of him getting power he wanted more power than he was actually entitled too, like him trying to get himself re-elected for more than one term even though it is against the law. You could look at it two different ways and think that he was doing it completely for the people, or you could think that he was trying to get all the power for himself, and claim himself king.

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