Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Notes on Video

Tiberius got married to a women through an arranged marriage to bring to families together. They ended up killing Tiberius because they thought that he was trying to become king. He wanted to give the power to the people and the Senate thought that he wanted all the power for himself. I think that he was really trying to give the power to the people, and the only reason he wanted to try again to be tribune was to not die. They ended up getting him and beating him to death, and then throwing his body into the Tiber River. Rome did not want to give all the power to one person, and it was such a  big Republic they thought if one person had that much power that it would go to their head. The Senate was filled with a bunch of guys who were spreading lies about Tiberius and would make up rumors saying that he was going to take over. I think at some point Tiberius at one point of him getting power he wanted more power than he was actually entitled too, like him trying to get himself re-elected for more than one term even though it is against the law. You could look at it two different ways and think that he was doing it completely for the people, or you could think that he was trying to get all the power for himself, and claim himself king.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Today we watched a video on a boy who always had to live up to his father. But when it came time for this man to save a bunch of his soldiers the senate got mad at him. He didnt like the way the rich people were treating the poor people and he was much more sympathetic. which made him more likable by the normal people. I like the videos and they are helping me to understand more, I want us to keep watching them and finish them because it is really helping me.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Friday all we did was get back our tests an go over it. My one problem was that I mostly studied the song and not a lot of the other notes and that's what threw me off. Next time we have a test I need to make sure I review all the notes and not just some of them.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The overthrow of the Republic: The people who were in charge decided that the common people should have no rights. As a result of that the Romes city state government system gradually broke down and a universal monarchy replaced it like those that ruled every other vast empire. Today we had a test and a lot of it didnt come from the video we all made, and I thought it would be so i studied the video, and i think i failed the quest.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Class discussion and Video

The last thing we left off with yesterday was the brothers and the people not wanting the senate to attack them. The conflict was between the big Roman Empire, and the Carthage Empire. Carthage had become oligarchic, about 700 B.C. It had become a republic. The Carthage had interest in Sicily, which is what caused the conflict as well. The command of the whole western Mediterranean  was the big demand. In the first days Rome forced Carthage out of Sicily. But Carthage kept the rest of their empire. In the second war, the Carthage general (Hannibal)  invaded Italy, he almost won, but the loyalty and the greater man power Rome gathered more people to fight and enabled Carthage to win. Rome feared a Carthagenan Rival and Rome started the fight this time, Romans went to Carthage and they destroyed everything. The people were to be sold into slavery and the empire to be destroyed. And this was the last and final third Punic War.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today my group presented our video and I really think we should get a ten because it took us everyday after school for us to get together to do it, the Friday we had off for me to complete all the pictures with it, also every time I wanted to add another picture and time it right with the song, I had to start it completely over because it was messed up. I could recite the song in my sleep I heard it so many times. Its a good study guide though, and after the groups presented the videos we went over more notes on the Punic wars, and how the Romans pretty much won all three, and went out with a bang on the last one and crushed their city.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rome Notes

There are 3 Groups of people who settled in Rome, the Greek, Etruscan  and the Latins, and the Latins are the ones who came first. They made the city above a swamp that they drained out. "Tarquin the Proud" was the king and his son raped a women and the men didn't defend her, but finally when the woman committed suicide  the people realized how bad he was and over threw him and ran him out of town. The Romans formed a combination of Democracy, Aristrocy, and monarchy. They had a senate made up of rich people who had a lot of say in the government anyway. The government pretty much empowered the pleibians. The Roman legion was the best roman fighters and it was with about 4,000 people. within that 4,000 about 80 guys were known as the century, and they were mobile fighters. The Calvary was a group of men on horseback. There were 3 Punic wars all between Carthage and Rome. They both wanted to claim Sicily. The Romans only owned half, until the fought for the whole thing and then won it all.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today me and my partner started to make our video, it is not going along so well, and it is a lot more difficult than we thought. We had to download new software and everything but overall we are getting it along more and more. We will be working on it tomorrow in class, and will hopefully begin to finish what we have started.

Friday, April 12, 2013

LO2 notes

The Romans were very generous when they defeated people and they were enemies. The Romans tightened their control over the Italian peninsula by creating a network of colonies of settlers from Rome. Roman forces increased in strength and striking power in step with their conquests. In time, allies began to demand full interrogation with Rome.The Punic Wars were waged on land and sea in three vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C. Fearing Carthaginian revival Rome provoked a third war and in 146 B.C. Carthage was captured after bitter fighting.  The former possessions of Carthage in Sicily, Spain, and Africa became the first Roman provinces. Rome gained a stronghold on the people around them as well. Around 200 B.C. ambassadors from various Greek- city states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting the king of Macedonia who had been allied with Carthage. A proletarian was in ancient Rome, a property-less but voting citizen.

 My link for the Pixton is posted below and my partner was Mikenzhie:


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rap and more notes!

Today Mr. Schick rapped for us and we all took videos of it! IT WAS AMAZING AND HAD EVERYONE LAUGHING. I thought it was cool and it will defiantly stick with all of us.
More notes:

  • You can be rich and still be a plebeian, the difference is you don't have the influence or connection. You could become a patrician by maybe marrying into it. 
  • You were either one or the other and most of the time you were born into it. 
  • Consul was the senate in its original form. the Senate had 300 people in it. Among the 300 were two Consul who were more powerful than the rest. They were in charge of military and ran everything. After Tarquin they did not want to see only one person with all the power. The reason they had two people was so that each of the consul had veto power on the other. They could either both agree but one could say no and it would not happen. 
  • It was bad though because they do not want one to get super powerful. Consul serve for one year a piece but then wouldn't be able to run again for another 10 years. 
  • Rome might every once and a while have an emergency and then they would name a dictator, one person, who doesn't need to consult that could act on the matter quickly, and the dictator was only there for 6 months. 
  • The patricians had a lot of power in the government. The plebeians did not have any legal written protection.
  • The 12 Tables: set of laws that were written down and posted publicly of the laws of the land in Rome. It described what rights people had if someone committed a crime against them.
  • This gave them some sort of protection against patricians.
  •  around 450 B.C. the tables were written.
  • The plebeians then got their own branch of government, and could make suggestions.
  • They had their own consuls and farmers started to elect tributes.
  • It gave them the right to veto laws against the Senate.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The facts the teacher thinks are important

Today we got back our test and I got an 88. I think I did well, but now we are moving onto Rome, and these are some notes the teacher thinks are important.

  • The Romans loved the way the Greeks did things, and improved on it. They had the golden age, build Parthenon, had good warfare, etc. 
  • Italy could raise more food and have more people, because their land was not as mountainous.
  • The first people that settled on the Roman peninsula was the Latins, settled at mouth of Ti-bra River. The Romans thought they were put their to rule over the earth, and the gods put them their for their destiny.
  • three groups or people settled their, Latins, Etruscans, Greeks. 
  • Latins first learned their alphabet and learned their knowledge of Greek letters originally. As well as gods. 
  • Patricians are the aristocrats  the ones with the money and power handed to them from parents, has same root word of father. Upper class citizens. 
  • Plebeians were everyone else in the society that was lower down, still had money sometimes but slightly inferior. 
  • The Senate: ran the peoples business. The Patricians were in the Senate. Sensex meant old man, and that was the original root word. If the king died his successor was chosen by the Senate, didn't always have to be his son. 
  • Around 500 BC monarchy was abolished. Tarquin the Proud was the LAST king of Rome. It was all his fault, they overthrew the government because he was harsh, crushed people, and ruled with "an iron fist".  He finally got thrown out of power because Tarquin sons attacked a women and raped her, that the was thing that caused him to be overthrown. 
  • Peoples business  that's what they referred their government too. Latin is res publica (where the word republic comes from)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Notes on Rome Lo1

Today we had a test and I think I did fairly okay. We are now moving onto Rome and these are my notes for Lo 1 city state and Empire of the roman republic.

The Romans imitated the Greek civilization and also improved it as the copied it. They formed tribal groups. The Greek city states had begun to plant colonies in southern Italy as early as eighth century B.C. Romans acquired the skills that enabled them to build their unique political institutions. Patricians means men or fathers. The Romans had a Republic and Republic is a system of city-state government in which decision making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens. Plebeians was the Roman common people including workers and farmers. The Romans had a Senate as well and it was an government assembly appointed by the king. the consuls was two senators who led the government and military for one year. The dictator in the Roman republic was a single leader with full decision making powers appointed with a maximum of six months.The tribunes was magistrates elected by the plebeians who eventually gained power and initiated the veto laws. A client was a person who provides personal services in the return for money and protection from a patron. Now a patron is a wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services. A pontiff in ancient Rome is one of the Republics leading priests. The Romans judged themselves according to values. They had a value which was a belief that notably even more than one government systems, the communities survival and prosperity depended on a god or goddess who was thought to take a particular interest it its destiny. Paterfamilias was "family father" in ancient Rome who had unlimited power over its household. A matron was the title of honor given to a married woman in ancient Rome. Another value included the belief that it was the right and duty of the men of the community to fight its wars, and hence also to share in its government. The men would take it for granted that the women of Rome had no right or duty to share in politics and government, and that women needed guardians for all legal transactions because of their "light-mindedness."