Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today we finished the prezi power point and just went over last minute notes in class. We are having a test Friday so we went over another power point to review for it. About the Pharaohs and pyramids and the everyday life. They mummified people and it wasn't all slaves that did all the work building things. The most wealthy people would wear all white to show that they didn't get dirty and then they were able to figure out there is only 365 days in a year by studying the moon. They thought cats were special and would worship them as well. They had over 2000 gods and goddesses and believed that if you did not go into the afterlife with one of them you would spend the rest of eternity in fire. They would take out your lungs and heart when they would bury you and put them in jars and place them next to you. they would do this so when you passed over all of the things you needed to live were there with you. The Nile helped keep them alive and survive. without it they wouldn't have been able to do anything. The women were not high in rank and at the most they only had two female rulers. Women could however divorce their husband if they wanted too, and inherit money or land from husbands or fathers.

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