Friday, January 18, 2013

First day

Today in West Civ class Mr. schick taught us how to create our blogs. They are pretty much like the same thing as the human Geo one. We have to do pages in our workbook an write down notes and then analyzing it based on what we learned last year.

The book assignment:

Throughout the time when people used stones people would live as hunters and gatherers. they would form their own groups of people so that they could protect themselves and family. men would be responsible for making tools and hunting down the food to kill, most of their food was from plants and that was womens responsibility to gather food. They went through a Agriculture revolution where they started to farm and domesticate animals, this caused a increase of food an population. The first animal to get domesticated was a dog and the men used them to help them hunt. In 6000 B.C. the first village appeared in south Asia. They started having civilizations where they lived in homes with their families and stored food with them. I think Jared Diamond was right about having geographical luck because a lot of the people that moved forward with civilizing and making towns and communities where in different parts of the world unlike New Guinea. they had to have food that was store able.

1 comment:

  1. Good start, Alex, although you were a little off-base discussing the domesticated animals. Goats and sheep were much more important to those early people, due to the milk, hides, wool, and meat.

